General (Unrestricted) Giving
Unrestricted gifts to Philomath Community Foundation's general fund are welcome anytime. Charitable gifts to our annual fund add strength and flexibility into our grant-making program and our scholarship program and pay for the Foundation's general operating expenses.
GRANT MAKING The Foundation considers grant requests submitted by nonprofit organizations to support their work in the following areas:
Arts and economic development.
Community service.
The elderly.
Youth and family.
SCHOLARSHIPS The Foundation considers scholarship applications from Philomath High School graduating seniors. Each year the Foundation have more deserving applicants than we have scholarships. Unrestricted gifts to the Foundation's general fund can help fill the gap. Ideally, the Foundation would like to be able to increase the number of scholarships that are awarded each year, so we can award a scholarship to every deserving applicant.
GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES The Foundation has no paid staff or positions; all time and labor for the Foundation is provided by volunteers from the Board on down. However, we do have other operating expenses, which are covered by monies from our general fund.
Designated (Restricted) Giving
Gifts to the Foundation may be designated (earmarked) for a specific fund or use. They may be designated for scholarships already in place. (See our Scholarships page for descriptions of these funds). If a scholarship already in place is one that you would like to donate funds to, please contact us to discuss how your donation can help to grow this scholarship.
Endowed Giving
Major gifts to the Foundation can be used to to establish endowments, which fall into two categories. They may be created and named to honor or remember someone.
CHARITABLE FUNDS Proceeds provide grants to support charitable purposes that benefit the community
SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Proceeds are used for educational scholarships
An endowment is a way a to support a charitable grant or scholarship in perpetuity. Endowment money is invested so that the endowment grows. Only a portion of each fund is drawn so the fund remains self sustaining. Awards are made in accordance with donor wishes and guidelines determined when the endowment is created. To be viable, an initial endowment requires a substantial donation, which serves as 'seed money' from which the funds will grow. Please contact the Foundation to learn more.
Planned Giving
You can help the Foundation grow into the future by including the Philomath Community Foundation in your estate planning. Perhaps you know a young adult who benefitted through a scholarship from the Foundation, or an organization that received a grant to start a program. What better way to acknowledge or honor that person or organization than to leave a bequest to the Foundation in their name. You can include the Foundation in your estate planning and know that your donation will continue to change lives even after you are gone.
We would be pleased to discuss including the Foundation in your estate planning, please contact us.